Meitner Jacket

The Amazing Story of Lise Meitner Synopsis The book describes how Lisa Meitner, of Jewish heritage, found herself working as a physicist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin when the Nazis came to power in 1933; how she was hounded out of the country and forced to relocate to...

Agatha Christie: The Finished Portrait

Agatha Christie: Synopsis Agatha Christie was, and is, the world’s most successful detective novelist. Yet, her own life was steeped in sadness: clues to the cause of which may be discovered in her writings. In Agatha Christie: The Finished Portrait, Dr Andrew Norman delves deep into the crime writer’s past...

Mugabe: Teacher, Revolutionary, Tyrant

Mugabe: Synopsis Mugabe has been described as evil, a tyrant, and a monster. Yet, he is a person of academic distinction with a keen sense of humour. How can these seemingly opposed character traits exist in one and the same person? An explanation is offered. Robert Gabriel Mugabe, a former...

The Story of George Loveless and the Tolpuddle Martyrs

The Story of George Loveless and the Tolpuddle Martyrs Synopsis Dorset folk and millions worldwide are familiar with the story of the six men from the village of Tolpuddle, the so-called ‘Tolpuddle Martyrs’, who in the year 1834 were persecuted by the authorities and driven out of their native land...