Military History Books
“Having spent many hours as a child in the company of my maternal grandfather, who was blinded on the Western Front during the First World War, I was inspired to write the story of his life. Also, the life of Sir Arthur Pearson, founder of St Dunstan’s (now Blind Veterans UK), who gave him hope when all seemed lost. (This subject is particularly relevant today, the centenary of the First World War having recently passed.) Frequent visits to Corfe Castle inspired a volume about the history of that place, and another about its heroic defence by a valiant lady in the English Civil War. Having a friend who owns one of T. E. Lawrence’s ‘Brough Superior’ motorcycles (the one which he was riding when he sustained his fatal accident) inspired two books: one about this tormented hero, and the other about his modest cottage Clouds Hill, set in rural Dorset. A family friend and former member of RAF Coastal Command, escorted HMS Hood on her final, fateful journey. Another acquaintance was a crew member. This inspired a book about the mighty battle cruiser, and her unexplained sinking on 24 May 1941.”
“Once again, it gives me great pleasure to feel that I am sharing these memories with my readers, and I hope that they will find my Military History Books as interesting and precious as I myself do.”